STEAMWORKS @ Boxworks Talks: Mind The Gap

STEAMWORKS  meetup is back at Boxworks Co. Work.Space

Gender diversity remains an issue across the technology and creative industries sector and the reality of these statistics is that despite these industries ‘leading the way,’ they fall short of being a good example in terms of gender equality.

Talks with a panel of experts working within Tech, Design and Education and asks the question, ‘what efforts are being made towards ‘cutting the gender skills gap.’

What the Statistics Say:

Tech Industries

A recent report based on tech companies’ diversity numbers reveals that “female employees make up between 26% (Microsoft) and 43% (Netflix) of the workforce at major tech companies, with the percentage dropping much lower when it comes to actual tech jobs.”
Some other statistics that highlight the gap in equality in tech include:

• Only 25% of IT jobs are held by women.
• Women own only 5% of tech startups.
• Of the proprietary software jobs, only 28% are held by women.
• Female executives only make up 11% of the total at Fortune 500 companies.


Creative Industries:

Kim Mackenzie Doyle, (Designer; Head of Marketing & Product Voxgig; IDI President 2017/2017; Founder of IDI-MOM & WhyDesignDotIE) noted that the present demographic for design in Ireland is:

1. 25% female to,
2. 75% male,
3. with even lower numbers of women working in more technical aspects of

“much like the efforts being made to increase female participation in STEM careers, the Institute of Designers in Ireland (IDI) is launching Why Design, a gender-balance initiative for the Irish Design sector. (Kim Mackenzie Doyle, 2018)

It is important to figure out the ‘why’ and then the ‘what’ can be done in working towards closing the gap but men must be in on the conversation, otherwise nothing can happen to create change.


Couch Discussion followed by Q&A

Panel Includes:

1. Christine O’Neill, Programme Coordinator Routematch/ Crystal Valley Tech

2. Brendan O’ Hara, Co. Founder of Untapped.

3. Kim MacKenzie Doyle: Head of Marketing & Product, Voxgig; President Emeturis Institute of Designers Ireland.

4. Prof Willie Donnelly : President of Waterford Institute of Technology

5. Sandra Whelan, Chief Operating Officer, Immersive VR Education

MC Elaine Fennelly, CEO & Co.Founder of Crystal Valley Tech